Android phones have come a long way since their early days as a mobile OS for low-cost devices. With the release of Android Nougat, manufacturers are starting to include features that were once reserved for more expensive devices. One such feature is the camera. Android Nougat includes a new camera API that allows third-party developers to create applications that can take advantage of the phone’s hardware features, such as automatic HDR and panorama shooting. This opens up opportunities for more creative and innovative camera apps, which could be great for users who want to take better photos without having to learn new software or settings. Some of the most popular camera apps on Android include Camera+, Manual, and ProCamera. These apps allow users to control every aspect of their photos, from exposure to focus. This level of control can be helpful for people who want to take professional-quality photos without having to learn complex software or settings. ..

The company’s vice president of product management Judd Heape describes the new technology, saying, “Your phone’s front camera is always securely looking for your face, even if you don’t touch it or raise to wake it.”

That sounds cool, as you’ll be able to unlock your phone with your face more quickly. It also sounds terrifying since your smartphone’s front-facing camera will always be watching you, whether you want it to or not. Imagine having your phone propped on its charging stand, just recording you at all times on the off chance that you might look at it so it can be ready to unlock.

Qualcomm is comparing the feature to microphones always listening for “Hey, Google” and other commands. These are not the most private devices to have around, but they’re listening for specific wake words, not constantly scanning the room looking for your face. It feels different and far more invasive.

Other devices do this. Google Nest Hub Max has a camera that scans your face when you approach it to provide information that’s tailored to you. Your home security cameras are already on all the time, constantly recording everything happening in your house.

There will be a way to turn this off on the OS level if you’d prefer your phone not stare at you at all times. According to The Verge, Qualcomm Technologies vice president of product management Ziad Asghar said, “The consumer has the choice to be able to pick and choose as to what is enabled and what’s not enabled.” It’s also possible that phone makers won’t even enable it on their phones out-of-the-box, but we’ll have to wait and see.

That’s reassuring, as this does sound like a privacy nightmare. No one wants to put tape over their smartphone camera, but if this feature becomes the norm, it might just be the next logical step for the privacy-conscious.

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