Apple has announced that they will not be releasing Fortnite on their devices anytime soon. This news comes as a disappointment to many iPhone and iPad owners who were looking forward to playing the game on their devices. Apple has stated that they are focusing on developing new games for their devices, and that they do not have any plans to release Fortnite onto their platforms. This decision is likely due to the fact that Fortnite is a free-to-play game, and it can be quite expensive to purchase items in the game. This news may disappoint some iPhone and iPad owners, but it is important to remember that Apple does have other great games available for their devices. For example, players can enjoy games like Pokémon GO or Clash of Clans. These games are both free-to-play, and they are sure to keep users entertained for hours on end. ..

Sweeney took to Twitter to voice his displeasure that Apple won’t allow the Epic apps to return to the App Store, even though the company has agreed to play by Apple’s payment rules.

— Tim Sweeney (@TimSweeneyEpic) September 22, 2021

Elaborating on the Tweet, Sweeney posted screenshots of email conversations with Apple regarding reinstating the apps in a thread on Twitter and in a blog post.

Epic recently updated older Fortnite installations to remove the alternate payment methods from the app, aligning with Apple’s rules. However, the company doesn’t have a developer’s account, so it can’t rerelease the game until it receives one from Apple, so that update won’t make it available to new users or old users who deleted the app.

In the email, Apple said, “Apple has exercised its discretion not to reinstate Epic’s developer program account at this time. Furthermore, Apple will not consider any further requests for reinstatement until the district court’s judgment becomes final and non-appealable.”

That means it could be a long time before we see Epic’s applications available on Apple’s store. And depending on the result of the court case, which has received its first judgment recently, we may never see Fortnite and other Epic apps return to iPhone and iPad.

According to The Verge, Apple didn’t wish to comment on Sweeney’s Twitter posts, but the company didn’t deny the validity of the documents shared by Epic’s CEO.