When you are writing an essay or paper, it is important to use the researcher tool in Microsoft Word. This tool will help you find information that you need to write your essay or paper effectively. To use the researcher tool in Microsoft Word, open the document and click on the Research tab. This tab will show you a list of all the sources that your essay or paper may rely on. You can click on any of these sources to get more information about them. Next, you will need to find a source for your information. To do this, you can use the search bar at the top of the research tab. This bar will give you a list of all of the sources that have been used in your essay or paper. You can type in a search term and then click on the search button at the top of this bar. Once you have found a source for your information, you can click on its link to get more information about it. For example, if you are looking for an article about research methods, you could click on the link for an article about research methods in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft wants to make your research easier. With the Word Researcher tool, you can close your web browser and get sources for school essays, research papers, and similar documents in a few clicks.

What Can You Do With Researcher?

The Researcher feature, powered by Bing, gives you a handy search box to find people, events, places, and concepts. The results of your search provide you with relevant topics and top sources including books, journals, websites, and images.

When you select the source you want, you can see an overview, history, location, images, and other important details. And the best part is, you never leave your Microsoft Word document.

In addition to viewing the details for your topic, you can start an outline for your paper as well as adding and citing text. Click the main subject or one of the information sections and add it directly to your document.

Here, we’ll show you how to reduce the time you spend researching and speed up the creation of your paper with the Researcher tool in Microsoft Word.

Open Researcher in Microsoft Word

To use the Researcher tool, open the “References” tab of your Word document. Click “Researcher” from the “Research” section of the ribbon.

When the pane opens on the right, type a term into the Search box and you’re on your way!

Review Relevant Topics and Top Sources

You’ll receive results for your search with Relevant Topics at the top and Top Sources beneath.

Relevant Topics

Some topics may only give you a couple of Relevant Topics. Click “More Topics” below that section to see additional sources.

If you click one of the Relevant Topics, you’ll see a nice overview of the subject. At the end of the “Overview” section, click “Read More” for full details.

Depending on your topic, you’ll then see several block sections packed with details. This structure comes in handy for starting your outline with them, which we’ll describe below.

If the subject and Relevant Topic have images, you can click “See All Images” for a neat grid of photos and illustrations. Click one to open your browser and view the image online. Plus, you can add these to your document, which we’ll also show you below.

Top Sources

For even more options, the “Top Sources” area offers books, journals, and websites. Select any one of those for its details.

If you choose a Relevant Topic at the top first, you can then filter your Top Sources by subtopic. Click the drop-down box for “All Topics” and pick one.

While most of the material is contained within Word, you may come across a source here and there that you must open in your browser. Click the link to open the source site in your default web browser.

Add Topic Items to Your Document

Along with viewing information on your topic, you can add headings, text, and images directly to your document using Researcher.

Add Headings

On the top right of each source’s section, you’ll see a plus sign. Click the “+” icon to add that section as a collapsible heading for your document outline. Remember, this only adds the heading, not the text, within the section.

Add Text

If you want to add a snippet of text to your document, you can do this as well. Select the text from the source by dragging your cursor through it. When you release, you’ll see a small box appear with options for “Add and Cite” and “Add.”

When you choose “Add and Cite,” the text will pop into your document with the source cited at the end of the snippet. The citation is formatted automatically, so you can add it to a bibliography easily.

When you choose “Add,” the text will still appear in your document, but without the citation.

Add Images

If your topic offers images, and you click “See All Images,” you have the option to add one or more of those, too. This is super convenient because you don’t have to hunt them down yourself.

Click the “+” icon in the corner of the image to add it to your paper.

It will appear in your document with the source cited beneath it.

College essays and research papers are enough work in themselves. By using Researcher in Microsoft Word, you can ease the burden of the research for your document and get a jumpstart on its contents.